Problem Statement (SEPT 10)
For the last few decades, sea turtles have been on the endangered list but with little to none protection when it comes to their life out at sea. Because of the fishing, “for the fishing line entanglement we encounter here it is really just artisanal fisheries (fishing for personal use)(Ms. Jim)”., sea turtle strandenment has drastically increased and all due to the fishing line or nets that are being used. When sea turtles get caught in fishing line or nets, the fishing line can end up getting wound around limbs which can ultimately lead to a loss of circulation leading to unjust amputation or sometimes even put their lives in jeopardy. It’s something that seems easy to be avoided but in reality it is a devastating problem when it comes to sea turtle’s life.
Pitch (SEPT 29)
The purpose of this stage was to mostly see an initial reaction to my idea so that i could make changes when needed.
Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)
Link images or documentation of your prototype development here and write a short summary on the purpose to this stage and outcomes and a reflection on your execution of the stage.
Semester 1 Presentation
The purpose of this stage was to show the class where i’m at when t comes to my overall product. My prersentation received good feedback in which i will use it to better my product overall when it comes to the next time i present. I feel that i had prepared well for this presentation and i am eager to continue working on my product as a whole
Product Creation (MAR 9)
Link your product here including any documentation necessary to fully demonstrate your product.
Write a short summary on the purpose to this stage and outcomes and a reflection on your execution of the stage.
Showcase (APR 25-29)
Link your slide deck here
Upload the video of your final presentation
Write a short summary on the purpose to this stage and outcomes and a reflection on your execution of the stage.
Legacy (APR 29)
Link your summary sheet (aka white paper) here.