Staying Safe at HPA

Natalie Macy

I am Natalie Macy. I have lived and grown up in Hawai’i my whole life. I love living here but always feel that I’m missing out on so much because I live here. I feel that I have mainly been influenced by the male figures in my life, mainly my brothers. They’ve all taught me to stand up for myself and to not take flack from anyone. I am the third child in my family, with two older brothers(26 and 19), then myself(18) and my younger sibling(14), there has always been competition between us all to stand out and that has played a major part in who I am today. I love them all to death, they’ve helped make me me.

I feel so many things right now. I am stressed, excited, and already exhausted. I am so nervous for 12 grade because there is so much expected from me now and there is so much that needs to be done soon. But, I am taking it all head on and with a positive attitude so that it will all go smoothly in the end.


I chose Social Justice and Strategic Organization because I want to make a change bigger than myself. I want to use this capstone to find out more about how different ethnic groups at HPA have dealt with racism either in school or out of school. Being white I haven’t had to deal with much racism so I want to better understand how other people have felt/been treated. I also want to do this so I can find out how to be a better person and be able to help more.


Problem Statement (SEPT 10)

Problem Statement #1

New Problem Statement

Pitch (SEPT 28)

Fixing Inequalities at HPA (1).mp4

Formal Proposal (OCT 15)

Formal Proposal(Draft)

Formal Proposal(New)

Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)


Product Creation (MAR 9)

Setting Up Safe2SpeakUp.mp4

Video Feedback

Showcase (APR 25-29)

Staying Safe at HPA.mp4

Legacy (APR 29)

White Paper