At first, I wanted to do a project about whales, since they’re amazing and I love them so much. Then, I wanted to help with the Restiration of Waiaka Stream Project, however that also didn’t work out. But now, my project is to research native Hawaiian plants and make a website with all of the information.
Problem Statement (SEPT 10)
There is a lack of knowledge about whales in the HPA community and I want to change that.
Pitch (SEPT 29)
The purpose of the pitch is to summarize my idea for my capstone and to share it to the rest of the class so they can give me feedback. I want to provide information sessions and multiple whale watching trips that would be available on the weekends for the students.
Formal Proposal (OCT 15)
Updated and final proposal (for new project)
Write a short summary on the purpose to this stage and outcomes and a reflection on your execution of the stage.
Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)
The purpose of the prototype presentation is to show what you have worked on during the first semester so far and to have some sort of evidence of your work which is then your prototype.
Reflection: The prototype presentation went well for me. I think I did it well and the main feedback I got were some questions about if I am going to plant the native plants, so I have to explain more that I am only researching them.
Semester 1 Presentation
Link your slide deck here
Upload the video of you giving your presentation
Write a short summary on the purpose to this stage and outcomes and a reflection on your execution of the stage.
Product Creation (MAR 9)
Link your product here including any documentation necessary to fully demonstrate your product.
Write a short summary on the purpose to this stage and outcomes and a reflection on your execution of the stage.
Showcase (APR 25-29)
Link your slide deck here
Upload the video of your final presentation
Write a short summary on the purpose to this stage and outcomes and a reflection on your execution of the stage.
Legacy (APR 29)
Link your summary sheet (aka white paper) here.