Reef Health and Diversity

Phoebe Wyatt

“The best way to observe a fish is to become a fish.” -Jacques Yves Cousteau, Oceanographer

Hi! My name is Phoebe Wyatt. This is my first year at HPA, but I was born and raised in Hilo, Hawaii. I have grown up around the ocean and have grown to love all aspects of it. I have recently gotten into rough water swimming too. I am excited to explore and learn more about marine life!



Problem Statement (SEPT 10)

Link your problem statement here and write a short summary on the purpose to this stage and outcomes and a reflection on your execution of the stage.

Pitch (SEPT 29)

Marine Pitch Slideshow

I presented my pitch to my Capstone class, to get feedback on my project. This helped me get an outside perspective of what my project looked like to others, and if there were areas of confusion. I was able to improve my actual presentation and polish up my idea.

Formal Proposal (OCT 15)

Link your formal proposal here

Link to your project management tool (i.e. Trello or other)

Write a short summary on the purpose to this stage and outcomes and a reflection on your execution of the stage.

Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)

Link images or documentation of your prototype development here and write a short summary on the purpose to this stage and outcomes and a reflection on your execution of the stage.

Semester 1 Presentation

I was very excited about this presentation because I wanted to share everything I had accomplished with my capstone so far. The purpose of this stage is to update people on my project. I’ve had some changes since the last presentation to the class and I have a substantial amount of data. I also explained my plan for the future and what I hope to gain from this project. I did a great job clearly explaining and detailing the process while staying within the time limit. the only thing I need to improve on is clarifying some of the tinier aspects of my project to the audience, so they fully understand what happens when I dive. Now, I am even more excited to go diving again.

Product Creation (MAR 9)

Link your product here including any documentation necessary to fully demonstrate your product.

Write a short summary on the purpose to this stage and outcomes and a reflection on your execution of the stage.

Showcase (APR 25-29)

Link your slide deck here

Upload the video of your final presentation

Write a short summary on the purpose to this stage and outcomes and a reflection on your execution of the stage.

Legacy (APR 29)

Link your summary sheet (aka white paper) here.