My capstone idea is to create a user interface system that would increase the gas-mileage efficiency of hybrid vehicles. I will use OBD2 scanners to collect my data as shown on the right. The data I collect on drivers of hybrid vehicles will give me insight on how certain habits effect the energy lost when braking, accelerating, or steering. I will then reach out to the drivers I used to collect data, and I will create a system that will give them suggestions on how they could drive to improve the efficiency of their car which will help improve their ecological footprint and decrease the cost of driving.
Problem Statement (SEPT 10)
Pitch (SEPT 29)
My Pitch Slideshow https://drive.google.com/file/d/13Eals6i5AEy-zkF3e8vXZQ3V8h1glCKh/preview?authuser=0
Formal Proposal (OCT 21)
Link your formal proposal here
Link to your project management tool (i.e. Trello or other)
Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)
Link images or documentation of your prototype development here
Semester 1 Presentation (Exam Block)
Link your slide deck here
Upload the video of you giving your presentation
Product Creation (MAR 9)
Link your product documentation and progress here
Showcase (APR 25-29)
Link your slide deck here
Upload the video of your final presentation
Legacy (APR 29)
Link your white paper or SOP here