For my capstone, I plan to do a project surrounding my family’s ranch, Kainoa Ranch. This place is very special to me because of its history and amount of times I’ve been there. My grandfather, Godfrey Kainoa Sr. is the owner of Kainoa Ranch. He is one of the few people that I call my idols. He is the hardest worker I know. He was the one who put our family on the map. He came from little and made it big. Kainoa Ranch is important because, it’s also the burial place for my grandmother, Yvonne Kainoa. She passed away in 2006 when I was 2. So I feel the need to share the geography and stories that I’ve been told about Kainoa Ranch.
As I grow older I realized the responsibilities that are upon me. There are goals and ambitions that keep me going. On the other side, there are also expectations that burden me. But, I plan to break through and make a name for myself. By doing this capstone project I can learn more about myself and the things I love. I am stoked to do this capstone because of my Hawaiian ancestry. Being of Hawaiian heritage is significant to me because it gives me a closer connection to this island I call home. By taking this capstone and thinking about the future, I plan to be someone of importance and make a mark on this world.
Kuleana Statement
Pitch (SEPT 29)
Kainoa Ranch Legacy – Pitch Slides
Kainoa Ranch Legacy pitch #1 – Pitch Video
Formal Proposal (OCT 15)
Link to your project management tool (i.e. Trello or other)
Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)
Link images or documentation of your prototype development here
Semester 1 Presentation
Link your slide deck here
Upload the video of you giving your presentation
Product Creation (MAR 9)
Link your product documentation and progress here
Showcase (APR 25-29)
Link your slide deck here
Upload the video of your final presentation
Legacy (APR 29)
Link your white paper or SOP here