Securing a Healthy Environmental Future

Emily Thompson

Hello, my name is Emily Thompson. I was born in the town of Waimea, Hawaii but lived in the district of North Kohala for most of my adolescent life. Going into 6th grade, I moved back to Waimea and joined the wonderful school of Hawaii Preparatory Academy. During this chapter of my life, I also joined Kona Crush club soccer in Kona, a town about an hour away from Waimea. Soccer is a huge part of my life and Kona Crush helped me build a great foundation of skills and passion for soccer that I was able to bring to my high school Varsity Soccer team. I am really passionate about learning new things, exercise, our environment, and spending time with my friends and family. I have a strong connection to the big island because I have lived here all my life and I couldn’t imagine any other place being my home. I am excited that I get to spend my last year living here creating such a real and impactful project.


My project is going to be focusing on bringing attention to and educating the youth about the issues surrounding climate change and global warming. I am eager to start changing and protecting the future of our young children and adolescents before it is too late!


Problem Statement (SEPT 10)

Pitch (SEPT 28)

Formal Proposal (OCT 15)

Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)



Product Creation (MAR 9)

Exemplary product progress is driven by iteration as your product interacts with the world, leading to redesigning your scope and outcomes in a macro and micro scale based on realities both positive and negative. In this phase you will:

  • Refine your prototype
  • Develop a final product

Showcase (APR 25-29)

Exemplary presentations communicate how you have grown and gained insights into who you are and what you can do. In this phase you will:

  • Present your Capstone work
  • Share your product
  • Engage in reflection through question and answer with an authentic audience

Legacy (APR 29)

Secure the continuum of your capstone product and journey by creating a white paper, Standard Operating Procedure, Training Manual, and/or digital artifact you are allowing rising seniors for decades to carry your capstone product and ideas forward. Here is where you lay the foundation to do so. In this phase you will:

  • Create a white paper to document and capture your Capstone journey
  • Propose future work