My Capstone project focuses on storytelling and gender quality in social media. I believe that any woman can play any sport just as well as any man. Since what seems to be forever Women have always been on the back burner for sports given about only 15% of all sports media’s actually cover women’s professional sports. I personally think this isn’t our future as human beings. I believe that gender equality is something we need to conquer as a race. However, I understand that I can’t just change people’s minds with a story or two, but what about a podcast? I found a great way to be people together and talk. A conversation between two people that everyone can relate to and listen to. During the pandemic, a lot of athletes were unable to play and unable to acquire scholarships for colleges. I thought that was very heartbreaking. I was talking with some of my now alumni friends who were highly impacted by the pandemic academically and physically. While listening to their stories I thought ‘What if I just recorded these conversations and uploaded them like a podcast? And on top of that get some gender equality in there for women athletes who dont get enough reconition.
Problem Statement; Sept 10th, 2021.
Pitch Sept 29th, 2021
Demo/Prototype Nov 23rd, 2021
Formal Proposal
Semester 1 Presentation
Product Creation; March 9th, 2022.
Showcase April 25-29th, 2022.
Legacy April 29th, 2022.