Kīna’u Grace

April Kauweakanoaʻakaʻakawalenohaleakalakauweakekiniaʻokoʻolau Kīnaʻu Grace

My Name is Kīna’u Grace, I am born and raised in Kailua Kona but currently live in Honokoa Kawaihae. My interest are my culture, learning and giving to my community as much as possible. I am an athlete and love the outdoors. The ocean has been a part of me since I was born but I also enjoy trips up Mauka. I have been at HPA since my freshman year of highschool. Prior to HPA I was a student at Kanu O Ka Aina for eight years. My parents were both born and raised in Kona as well. My father comes from a big ranching/mauka family in south Kona and my mother comes from a big fishing/ocean family in Kailua Kona.They are my greatest support group weather its with sports my everyday life. I have grown up i many different settings all connected to the land. Because of this i have been taught many things in attempt to contribute to the growth of Hawai’i. I was raised with a strong connection to my family who still reside in Kona. Although Kawaihae is my home i always had a pull to Kona and spend most of my time there. My family has been the main reason i am where i am today i have learned so much from them they are what has shaped me into the person i am. My grandparents come from all around the world. On my mom’s side my great grandparents were immigrants who came over from China. and on my fathers side my grandparents were immigrants from the Philippines and Japan. This makes me grateful because I not only have a strong connection to Hawai’i but I also have a strong connection to Those places as well. My dreams are to make my family proud i want to show them that nothing has gone to waste and everything they have done for me was worth it. Hopefully with this year’s capstone project I can make not just my living family proud but my ancestors as well.


No Ku’u Hawai’i is the best platform for my passion because I can connect so much of my heritage and dreams to what I want to do throughout the year. Hawai’i is part of me and I want to make an impact that can last a while. I want to show everything I have learned culture wise and implement that into my project and I think this class is where I can bring as much of that out as I would like.


Kuleana Statement

Invasive Fish, Native Problems

Pitch (SEPT 29)

Invasive Species, Native Problems Pitch Presentation

Invasive Species, Native Problems Pitch #1


Formal Proposal (OCT 15)

Link your formal proposal here

Link to your project management tool (i.e. Trello or other)

Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)

Link images or documentation of your prototype development here

Semester 1 Presentation

Link your slide deck here

Upload the video of you giving your presentation

Product Creation (MAR 9)

Link your product documentation and progress here

Showcase (APR 25-29)

Link your slide deck here

Upload the video of your final presentation

Legacy (APR 29)

Link your white paper or SOP here