Solar project 2.1

Riley McMackin

Hello, I’m Riley, And I’m from the capstone Data-Driven Entrepreneurship. I am from Kailua-Kona and I’ve been in Hawaii for close to 5 years now ever since I moved from California. I am into many subjects such as chemistry, digital design, technology, and much more!


My capstone idea came with the revolutionairy material known as Perovskites, this minereal has revolutuonized Solar cels mkaing them 10 times more efficient and cost effective, as well as making them cheaper then tradditional solar panels. With this neew knowledge ill tae this to my community down in kona, There mots peopel have solarpanels becayse the elericity is so expensive and they have teh money to buy them, however many of them are outdated and old, and with these new revolutionary panels. So the plan is i will crate flyers and disperse them during breakfest along with the daily newspapers and leave my email to people who want to help. I will help them uninstall and donate their old solar panels to people who cant pay for them in places liek waimea which is like my secodn community. While the people who donate will buy their own or, if i can get govenrment fuinding It couldd be completley free because of te new trillion dollar infunstructure bill. This is my idea.


Problem Statement (SEPT 10)

Link your problem statement here

Pitch (SEPT 29)

Link your pitch slide deck here

Upload the video of you giving your pitch

Formal Proposal (OCT 15)

Link your formal proposal here

Link to your project management tool (i.e. Trello or other)

Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)

Link images or documentation of your prototype development here

Semester 1 Presentation

Link your slide deck here

Upload the video of you giving your presentation

Product Creation (MAR 9)

Link your product documentation and progress here

Showcase (APR 25-29)

Link your slide deck here

Upload the video of your final presentation

Legacy (APR 29)

Link your white paper or SOP here