Just How Batty Is Kohala?

Claire Hughes

My name is Claire Hughes I’m from Hilo, Hawaii and I have boarded at HPA since my freshman year. I chose Data Driven Entrepreneurship because of the freedom and guidance I would get to complete my capstone. In addition I wanted to focus on the Hawaiian Hoary Bat because I’ve always been interested in learning about the native animals that inhabit the island I have grown up on. The locations I chose to do my project are also meaningful to me, these include Waipio Valley and Parker Ranch land above HPA. Overall I’m looking forward to going to these places and exploring them in a way that I have never done before!



Problem Statement (SEPT 10)

Link your problem statement here

Pitch (SEPT 29)

Link your pitch slide deck here

Upload the video of you giving your pitch

Formal Proposal (OCT 15)

Link your formal proposal here

Link to your project management tool (i.e. Trello or other)

Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)

Link images or documentation of your prototype development here

Semester 1 Presentation

Link your slide deck here

Upload the video of you giving your presentation

Product Creation (MAR 9)

Link your product documentation and progress here

Showcase (APR 25-29)

Link your slide deck here

Upload the video of your final presentation

Legacy (APR 29)

Link your white paper or SOP here