Self-Growth is a series of paintings that will symbolize and inform how to deal with stress. I first noticed this when I got into senior year, there is a lot of stress that is put on us. There are many new expectations that are put on us. The increase in stress can have major impacts on the mental health of all students. For these paintings painted books and flowers, and use colors that are stress relieving such as greens and blues. I created a social media account to showcase these paintings and in the captions wrote about stress and ways to deal with it. I hope this project will help other people and myself learn more about stress and overcoming it.
Problem Statement (SEPT 10)
Pitch (SEPT 29)
Formal Proposal (OCT 21)
Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)
Semester 1 Presentation (Exam Block)
Product Creation (MAR 9)
Link your product documentation and progress here
Showcase (APR 25-29)
Link your slide deck here
Upload the video of your final presentation
Legacy (APR 29)
Link your white paper or SOP here