The Capstone Journey

Caiden Andrist

Caiden Andrist is an emerging filmmaker as well as being a gifted track athlete and volunteer coach. He was born and raised in Oregon until age 10, at which time he moved to Hawaii. Currently he and his family live in Waimea on the Big Island. Caiden switched schools a lot as a kid, and found it difficult trying to make new friends and adapt to each school system. Wherever he was he often struggled in school because he found it hard to connect when he needed help. In his last year at Hawaii preparatory academy he focused his Senior Capstone on these struggles. His project is titled Capstone Journey, and is taking form as a 10 minute documentary film that covers the process students go through during their capstone projects. His goal is that future juniors can watch it and use it to help them through their process.


I am Caiden Andrist, I am a young film maker and Student at HPA, for my project i wanted to create a mini documentary based on the capstone process. recording interviews with students talking about how their project has worked out for them throughout the year. I want this video to be shared to the juniors each year so they have something to reference or use as a source when they aren’t sure of what they are doing.


Problem Statement (SEPT 10)

Pitch (SEPT 29)

Formal Proposal (OCT 21)

Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)

Semester 1 Presentation (Exam Block)

Product Creation (MAR 9)

Link your product documentation and progress here

Showcase (APR 25-29)

Link your slide deck here

Upload the video of your final presentation

Legacy (APR 29)

Link your white paper or SOP here